Welcome to Tech Lab!
Check out our Photo Gallery to see how we work in Tech Lab!
We are so fortunate to have one of the best introductory Technology Education Labs at the Freshman High School. This lab allows students to choose, explore, experiment, solve problems, and learn about technology topics while learning about various career options.
The Technology Education Lab uses class management software and Courses from the DEPCO Company. "Courses" are 2 week Technology units (or "Modules") that provide learning, testing, and doing. This system allows the class to be doing over 15 different Courses or Activities (or Modules) at all station areas in one class period. Most Activities take from 10 to 15 days depending on the student's ability.
Students take a NON-graded pre-test, then watch and listen to online content and videos. Students will then experience step by step hands on activities about the module they have watched and learned about. Each activity is followed up with a 5 question review/quiz to assess the students understanding. At the end of all 10 to 15 activities, the student will complete the module with a post test to determine how much they learned.
**The Medical Science modules include:
Optical Diagnostics
Forensic Science
Medical Office Technology
Veterinary Science
Imaging Diagnostics
First Aid/CPR
Dental Basics
Sports Medicine
**The Industrial modules include:
Automated Material Handling
CNC Lathe
CNC Mill
PLC Basics
Electronic Basics
Mechanical Systems
Industrial Motor Control
Residential Plumbing
Residential Wiring
Robotics Engineering
Totally Trebuchet
Hobbs Freshman High School